SQLite3 Database

The SQLite3 database primarily saves profiles and data related to sequences (shots) with high fidelity. It also saves a few bits of persistent data, such as the scale-period estimates. It is not intended to be a generic settings store.

SQLite3 allows concurrent, multi-user access with WAL mode. Additional SQLite3 databases can be opened by other apps, allowing joins and other operations between them.


When opening the database from another app or the command line, only use the pyde1 user.

Although other users have read access, failing to use the pyde1 user may result in files being created that the pyde1 user does not have write access to. This can cause “read-only” errors, even though the pyde1 user has write access to the main database file.

Backing Up

For any database, file-system backups may not result in a self-consistent snapshot. Using the database’s backup utility is highly recommended.

One approach is shown in this script


filename=$(date +'/home/pyde1/db_backup/pyde1.%Y-%m-%d_%H%M.sqlite3')
sqlite3 /var/lib/pyde1/pyde1.sqlite3 ".backup $filename"
xz $filename

This can be run periodically by pyde1 by editing the crontab with

sudo -u pyde1 crontab -e

to add a line like

00 03 * * * /home/pyde1/bin/pyde1-backup.sh

(Every day at 0300, local time)


The schema version is available as PRAGMA user_version. The schema itself is distributed at pyDE1/database/schema.

Times are real values, such as would be returned by Python time.time()


Most of the database is dedicated to capturing the notifications that are generated immediately before and during a FlowSequencer sequence.

There is a rolling buffer that captures the most recent notifications that then gets written to the database shortly after the start of a sequence.

Each sequence has a “master record” that is created at the start of the sequence. Some fields are updated, such as times, are updated as the sequence progresses. As this is done asynchronously, this record may not be complete the instant the sequence ends.

CREATE TABLE sequence (
    id              TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    active_state    TEXT,
    start_sequence  REAL,
    start_flow      REAL,
    end_flow        REAL,
    end_sequence    REAL,
    profile_id      TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES profile(id),
    -- https://www.sqlite.org/quirks.html#no_separate_boolean_datatype
    profile_assumed INTEGER, -- will match TRUE and FALSE keywords
    resource_version                            TEXT,
    resource_de1_id                             TEXT,
    resource_de1_read_once                      TEXT,
    resource_de1_calibration_flow_multiplier    TEXT,
    resource_de1_control_mode                   TEXT,
    resource_de1_control_tank_water_threshold   TEXT,
    resource_de1_setting_before_flow            TEXT,
    resource_de1_setting_steam                  TEXT,
    resource_de1_setting_target_group_temp      TEXT,
    resource_scale_id                           TEXT

Virtually all of the MQTT notifications are captured and associated with the sequence.id to allow for recreation of the data during the shot. As an example

CREATE TABLE shot_sample_with_volume_update (
    sequence_id         TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES sequence(id),
    version             TEXT,
    sender              TEXT,
    arrival_time        REAL,
    create_time         REAL,
    event_time          REAL,
    de1_time            REAL,
    sample_time         INTEGER,
    group_pressure      REAL,
    group_flow          REAL,
    mix_temp            REAL,
    head_temp           REAL,
    set_mix_temp        REAL,
    set_head_temp       REAL,
    set_group_pressure  REAL,
    set_group_flow      REAL,
    frame_number        INTEGER,
    steam_temp          REAL,
    volume_preinfuse    REAL,
    volume_pour         REAL,
    volume_total        REAL,
    volume_by_frames    TEXT    -- Python list, default formatting


Profiles, uploaded through the HTTP API, get stored in the database, along with their metadata. They are referenced by a unique ID over the uploaded content, as well as indexed by a fingerprint of the frames that would be delivered to the DE1. The same fingerprint is the same for the DE1, but would be from different source data or have different metadata.

CREATE TABLE profile (
    id              TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    source          BLOB NOT NULL,
    source_format   TEXT NOT NULL,
    fingerprint     TEXT NOT NULL,
    date_added      REAL,
    title           TEXT,
    author          TEXT,
    notes           TEXT,
    beverage_type   TEXT


This is a small table used internally to persist time-varying data across restarts of pyDE1 or connection and disconnection of devices. It should be considered opaque and not part of the supported API.